My 2018 Goals (In the Reading/Writing/Watching Department)

4:45 PM

This is the mate to the post that I posted on Working by Candlelight today with my personal goals for 2018. If you're curious, feel free to click the link!!

On this post, I will be outlining my reading, writing and watching goals for 2018. It will be broken up into separate categories. Without further ado, let's get started!

Reading Goals 

1. Complete my first Goodreads Challenge
I started a Goodreads Challenge of 100 books this year. We'll see how this works!!

2. Read at least 10 books off of my TBR list
I do want to start tackling my Goodreads TBR list

Writing Goals 

3. Keep up with my goal that I set up on the Year-Long NaNo group - write at least 50 words a day. I know, such a pitiful small little goal. But I haven't been able to hold any kind of a goal lately, so let's try to see if we can get this small one, huh? So far, it hasn't been going so hot....

4. Enter both Camp NaNos and do a proper NaNoWriMo. Due to my disaster in grad school, I never participated in NaNo this year. I want to change that.

5. Actually enter my writing into something other than my blog or RW. Whether that means entering a blog post into Project Canvas or entering a writing contest. Just get that blooming writing out there!

6. FINISH ONE WIP from my WIP list that is on the blog. I don't care which one, just finish SOMETHING this year...

Watching Goals 

7. Cross off at least 10 movies off the To-Watch list. 
Lia and I have a running list of all the movies that we haven't watched together yet (which is over 100 now....). This year, I wanna start crossing them off.

8. Get The Greatest Showman and Rogue One on DVD.

9. Watch Seasons 4 and 5 of When Calls the Heart. 

I'll tell you what, these goals were a lot easier to put down than the other set was...

How bout y'all? Have you made any goals this year? Chat with me in the comments!! 

Scribblingly yours,


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  1. I know it's early, but if you're still looking for a cabin to join when Camp NaNo rolls around, let me know. I usually create a private one for tOotP and we invite a few others to join in on the fun.

    I hope you accomplish all of your goals, plus so much more! So exciting!

    I would love to watch the next few seasons of When Calls the Heart, but my family canceled Netflix, so I'll have to find them elsewhere.

  2. Good luck with your goals, Catherine!

  3. 50 words? That is so much better than me!! My average right now is about half a word...

    Yes! You can do it!! You can read 100 books! My highest books in a year is 90, but that was 2 years ago. I do hope to finish Frankenstein, and read Orange & Green, North & South, and Persuasion.

    What!? You've seen The Greatest Showman!!?? *digs around in dashboard* Oh, there is your post on it, I'll have to go check it out. I do want to watch a lot of movies this year, but I am pretty happy with all of the ones I watched last year!

    Good luck, Catherine!!! You can do it!!!!!! <33

  4. You have some great goals! Good luck on the 100 books challenge. I hope you achieve it. And I hope you get some writing out there, too. Both will be awesome! :)

    As soon as The Greatest Showman comes out on DVD, I will get it and watch it. CANNOT WAIT.

  5. Nice goals! I really will have to look into The Greatest Showman...
    You have been tagged, btw. :D

  6. I think you've got a great list of goals! I'm sure you can achieve them. :) Best of luck with them, and have a great 2018 Catherine!

  7. For reading, I'm going to see how high I can get my book number up to, hence the increments of ten I was talking about. For writing, I have a goal of writing 30 minutes a day. I happen to be working on the second book of my trilogy right now. I actually like my writing right now. XD
    For watching, I hope to watch Dragons Race to the Edge when the final season comes out. And the Lego Ninjago Movie. As you can tell, I am a fan of animation. I also started a show on Netflix following Ceaser Milan on his dog training again. I used to watch The Dog Whisperer when I was little and he's just awesome with dogs.

    I hope you achieve all your goals. <3 They sound really fun. I can't wait to see where God takes you this year. <3

  8. Some of my writing goals are doing both Camp NaNos and the actual November NaNo too!! Good luck with these goals, Catherine!! <3

  9. I know what you mean about the TBR. None of the books I ever read are from mine, so it just keeps growing. :P I hope you find some great reads this year!

    And good luck with your writing! :D

  10. Ahh, so I know that this is suuuuuuuuuuper late, but I really wanted to comment on the Goodreads part, I just got it and my goal this year is to read 50 books that I have never read before! Books I've already read don't count :P


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