
Most Devoted Couple Award Ceremony

1:43 AM


A low sweet sound floated in my ears as I tightened the laces on my flowing gown. A long day's journey to Ithilien had left me feeling pretty dusty and dirty and so my beloved rogue insisted that I freshen up before I start to speak. 

As I made the last few touch-ups on my damp hair, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the year that I started dating my Rogue would be the one that I would end up hosting the Most Devoted Couple ceremony. He certainly had already proven to be a most devoted companion already... 

Then I heard a very gruff cough come from the other side of me. I turned to find the source. 

There was Cupid again, in all of his passionate winged glory. I'm pretty sure that if he had had regular arrows instead of the mythical "Eros-brand" ones, he would have been firing a few at me. As it was, he looked rather impatient. 

"The Lady Eowyn has been asking for you, Catherine." 

"Has she arrived already? I wasn't expecting her until...." I looked at the clock and gasped when I realized the time. "I'm sorry, I got distracted with..."

Cupid growled. "Always an excuse for you. First you couldn't meet Westley and Buttercup to gather the nominations because you and your Rogue *supposedly* had car trouble...."

"We did!! A whole cylinder went out and we had to get it towed!" (legit, this is a true story) 

"And when it came time to give the nominations, you were off at a dinner party! For hours, we tried to contact you and..."

"Well, my Rogue and I weren't exactly expecting to meet our dear friends on the road! It would have been dreadfully rude for me to leave them hungry now wouldn't it?"

Cupid looked as if he was going to argue, but held his tongue at the corner. A tall, fair-haired woman in a white dress and sword stood waiting patiently. With a curt nod, Cupid flew off to wreck some havoc among the pairs of lovers standing under a nearby tree. 

Eowyn came forward and embraced me. "How are you, my fellow Shieldmaiden?"

"Not...quite as nervous as last time." I admitted, remembering back to my first hosting experience with the Epic Heroines. "I figure there isn't going to be any Nefarious Villain's coming in to steal any Silmarils."  

Eowyn laughed. "I must admit, I was rather surprised that you were the host of this event. I know you are a romantic sort, but..." 

"Oh, I had my eye on this event since it came into being. And well," I coughed and covertly nodded my head towards the backstage area. "I had some extra motivation this year." 

Eowyn peeked around me and spotted a fair-haired tall man, watching the couples mill around the stage area. "Is he the Rogue that I've heard so much about?" 

I blush and nod as she gives her congratulations. "I'd love for you to meet him." 

"In a moment. First, I have someone, or rather two someones, to introduce to you." 

Eowyn stepped back and beckoned to a tall Elven woman with long dark hair and a broad-shouldered man with a missing hand. "May I present to you, Beren and Luthien Tinuviel, who will be taking their rightful place as hosts of this event." 

My delight at meeting these two august members of Middle-Earth knew no bounds. "We dreadfully missed you last year at our inaugural ceremony." 

"Yes, well, Morgoth's orcs had waylaid us on the way to Ithilien, and took us to a location that not even our faithful hound Huan could find for months." Beren said ruefully. "Do give our apologies to Miss Samanthawise for not sending word to her before the ceremony last year." 

I promised to do so as four other couples approached us. As Beren and Luthien were being introduced to the six Narnian monarchs along with Westley and Buttercup, Eowyn started to took her leave. 

"Are you not going to join us on the stage?" I asked her, feeling a little disappointed. 

She shook her fair head. "No, that is an honor I do not deserve. Besides, I have my own ceremony for the Epic Heroines on September 25th, and that is enough for me. I shall see you later." And with that, Eowyn took her leave to rejoin her husband, Faramir. 

At that moment, the announcement horns sounded and there was a flurry as all the couples struggled to find seats. Inwardly, I thanked the Firmament that I had saved all of the loveseats and benches from earlier instead of returning them to the Fantasy Warehouse Outlet Store. 

I walked up to the stage and grabbed the microphone. "Good day to you, my dear fair friends and welcome to Ithilien! Today, we are here to honor the Most Devoted Couple, and I must say....there are many familiar faces in the lineup this year!" I looked at the three couples who had made the finalists list from last year, who were lined up to go to the stage once more. "Please welcome to the stage our illustrious co-hosts, Beren and Luthien!"

I handed the microphone to Beren and retreated to grab the two chests that Beren and Luthien had brought with them. As I struggled to carry both chests at once, I could hear Beren explaining their unfortunate absence from last year's ceremony and thanking everyone, especially to Eowyn and Faramir for offering to host it in Ithilien once again. 

I emerged back up the stairs just in time to hear the following, 

"....but as we are brand new to our hosting duties, we have asked our friends, King Caspian and Queen Lilliandel, Cor and Aravis, and King Frank and Queen Helen to assist us." Beren indicated the six Narnians to his left as applause came up from the audience. 

Luthien then took the microphone. "And now, we shall begin announcing the placings! In accordance with precedent from last year, each of our couples will introduce each of the finalists, starting with our winners from last year, Westley and Buttercup!" 

The two lovers took the microphone from Luthien's hand, careful not to hit their own Silmaril by accident. With a smile, Westley thanked everyone who responded to their call for nominations and Buttercup ended with the simple declaration: 

"In fifth place with 11 votes, we have two familiar faces from last year's ceremony: Matthias and Cornflower from Redwall Abbey!

A chorus of subdued animal yells came from the front section of the audience as two little mice in green habits came forward. Cornflower received a crown of hemlock blossoms from Luthien while Matthias received a strong hickory walking stick from Beren before they retired off the stage. 

With a fond look towards his glowing wife, King Caspian then took the microphone from Westley's hand.

"This next couple is a new one to our stage, but a well beloved pair to our friends. They may come from different worlds like Lilliandel and I, but their devotion to each other through thick and thin is truly inspiring. With 17 votes, fourth place goes to Essie and Farnadel from the Elven Alliance!" 

General applause erupts as a tall Elven man and a red-haired woman walk up the aisle to the stage with their two fingers interlocked. They also receive crowns of hemlock blossoms and twigs as they exchanged Elvish greetings with Beren and Luthien before retiring. 

King Frank received the microphone next, and held it up for his wife Helen to proceed. 

"With 21 votes, third place is awarded to our dear friends....Heather Longtreader and Smalls Jupiter from Green Ember!"  

A more robust animal uproar came from the front of the stage as two rabbits bounded up. Satisfied looks were given all around as the two hemlock crowns were placed on their heads. 

"I say, Aravis, we get to announce second place once again!" Cor said enthusiastically as Queen Helen handed him the microphone. "Or rather, I do, because you got to do it last year." 

Aravis gave her beloved prince a dirty look. "I do believe that they announced themselves the last time." 

"Well, all the more reason for me to announce them then! With 26 votes, second place goes to..." Cor paused to draw a dramatic breath.

"Remus and Tonks Lupin of the Harry Potter series!" Aravis finished for him. 

The loud applause drowned out Cor's cries of protest as Tonks encouraged her beloved husband to walk up to the stage. The glow of the white hemlock blossoms in Tonk's purple hair was only matched by her radiant smile as her husband received his own hemlock stick. 

Then, an expectant hush then fell over the audience. 

Beren cleared his throat and began. 

"The Silmaril Award goes to a couple who snagged 44 votes in this competition. They also received 13 nominations, a worthy number far above their nearest competitors. Nothing can keep this couple - whether it be kidnapping by Fangs, or being melded into a bear, can stop this married couple's devotion. May I present.....

Nia and Esben Wingfeather! 

Thunderous applause burst forth as a middle aged couple made their way to the stage. Luthien opened a little chest beside her to reveal a brightly shining Silmaril. Lifting it up, two loops in the ribbon were revealed. Beren grabbed one and placed it over Esben's head, while Luthien placed the other over Nia's. 

I then took the microphone from Beren's hand. "Let us give a quick shout of congratulations for Nia and Esben!" 

Three loud huzzahs were given by the three children in the front, one of which was sporting a bright pink Silmaril from last year's Epic Heroine ceremony. A little black dog yipped joyously and soon the entire audience was erupting into cheers. 

"Thank you all for attending this year's Most Devoted Couple ceremony. And now, if you all will help to clear all these benches and seats out of the way, we shall have a dance!" 

A band materialized from the edge of the forest and began to tune. Amid the general confusion of clearing the benches, I snuck away from the proceedings to meet my handsome Rogue...

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  1. Congratulations to Nia and Esben! I kinda figured they'd win.

    Lovely ceremony, and I love the callbacks to last year!

  2. Hats off to Nia and Esben! I hoped they would win.

  3. Aww, yay! Nia and Esben! Love the ceremony, Catherine, and the nods to last year's, as well! :)

  4. Awww, huzzah for Nia and Esben! Beautiful ceremony, Catherine!

  5. Ha ha. I love how timely this award was for you and how you wrote your own situation into the story. And hooray for including Beren and Luthien, truly the Most Devoted Couple of all. (Though I wonder what they would think of simply handing over a silmaril like that...) All the best to you and your Rogue!


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