Voting is Open for the Most Devoted Couple!

12:38 AM


"Catherine, there's another knock at the door. Shall we let them in?" 

Reluctantly, I looked up from my Rogue's lap at the eager young couple before me. "No, I'd best go myself. It may be an official courier for the Silmaril Awards. One has been rumored to be hanging around for a couple of days or so. I'd best see what he wants."

Promising my Rogue I would be back soon with a kiss, I started to navigate the Maze that was my writing cave. All week long, I had been scrounging the fantasy yard sales for extra loveseats, benches, porch swings, anything for lovers to sit on. I had been told by Westley and Buttercup to expect 70 couples, which didn't sound like a terribly large number. Until I realized this morning that each "couple" is two people. Which means that are now 140 lovers in my little cave. 

Which, for the record....isn't known for being well-lit. *casts a wary eye towards dim cave interior* 

A persistent knock sounded again at my front door, causing a series of groans, panicked squeaks and eye rolls from the surrounding lovebirds. 

I opened the door to find a very cute little blond-haired cherub hovering about my eye level. And he looked very *not* amused. 

"You're late with your nominations, Catherine." He growled before I could even say hello. 

I coughed and cleared my throat. "Well, um, ya see, Cupid, I was going to give them to you yesterday, but um..." I cleared my throat. "I was stolen away by my Rogue again. Unexpected dinner invitation, you see, with friends who were traveling from..." 

"Oh sure, blame the boyfriend. Have you got those nominations or haven't you? The entire Silmaril Awards voting form has been waiting on your responses for the last several hours!" 

Blushing to my roots, I pull out the list I had hastily prepared after the dinner party: 

Nia & Esben (Wingfeather Saga)

Heather & Smalls (Green Ember)

Remus & Tonks (Harry Potter)

Essie & Farandel (Elven Alliance)

Matthias & Cornflower (Redwall)

Voting occurs from September 9-13, at this website here: The Most Devoted Couple Ceremony will then take place on September 19! 

Now, go off and vote for your favorite Devoted Couple (and other  heroes and heroines!) 

God bless, 


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  1. AAAAAAGH THIS YEAR IS SO HARD (though I'm enjoying the announcement posts tremendously - good job! Cupid's appearance was unexpected but kinda great XD)


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