Lia, I owe you an apology.....

10:29 PM

Greetings and salutations! 

I know, it has been wayyyy too long since I've come on here to blog. The truth of the matter is, I have not had the motivation to write on my blog for quite some time. Who knew that newsletter writing saps writing motivation? Apparently, I didn't. 

Anyways, we are all here so that you can witness me eating the biggest piece of humble pie that has existed in the blogosphere. 

For years and years, my best friend Lia had been telling me to watch Les Mis. And I steadfastly refused. Because I had some issues with impurity, I am very picky about the levels of nudity and sexual content in media. Looking at the Wikipedia summaries of the plot, I wasn't comfortable with the portrayal of prostitution. I, therefore, developed a strong dislike for Les Mis and proceeded to *ahem* say so whenever it would be brought up. 

I didn't think I was missing that much. Sure, I've heard snippets of the songs and saw references to the musical all over the internet. I figured that was enough. 

And then....someone special started singing the songs to me - a lot - and was quite aghast that I didn't know where they had come from. And insisted that I needed to watch this musical. I only agreed when I was assured of a heads-up whenever *that problematic material* would come up. 

So on July 9, I watched the 2012 movie version of Les Mis. With the exception of Fantine's storyline (which, to be honest, was more heartbreaking than disgusting, but I still am uncomfortable with it), I did enjoy it. I actually cried a little - which if you know me, is rather unusual. 

A few things of note (major spoilers ahead!): 

- Jean Valjean is my absolute favorite character. I loved loved LOVED his character arc - his adoption of Cosette, and his relationship with Marius especially. His death scene was probably the most touching I've ever seen.

- I felt so bad for poor Eponine. Unrequited love is the literal worst from a woman's perspective. 

- Cosette and Marius are the cutest. 

- The bishop!!! Finally, a good representation of a Catholic cleric! (sorry, slightly sensitive about this). 

- I was slightly disappointed that Enjolras didn't play as big of a role in the musical as I was expecting (I had been hyped up by some of the 'ship' posts I had seen in my younger days). 

- Javert's descent into despair over trying to go after justice was....oi, ouch. Was a little relatable - not to me personally, but to a group of people. 

- Speaking of Javert, I had already been spoiled about his suicide, but mannnnn the cinematography for those scenes were haunting. 

- The soundtrack was even better than I thought it would be. Best part of the entire film. 

In summary, while it is not my favorite musical of all time, it does not deserve the hate that I have been unjustly giving it. 

So to Lia and all the fellow Les Mis fans in my blogging circle....

I'M SORRY!!!! 

~ Catherine Hawthorn

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  1. Oh? A special someone you say? Is he, per chance, a tall, shaggy rogue?

  2. I'm curious...why do you think unrequited live is particularly hard on girls?

    (It's a trope I eat up with a spoon!) XD

  3. I'm not as much of a Les Mis fangirl as I used to be, but I would still say it's my favorite this retraction warms the cockles of my heart! Since I must always bring this up when I talk Les Mis with people, have you listened to the Tenth Anniversary Concert of it? I think it has the best all-around cast for Les Mis that I've heard, and it really has the definitive version of some of the songs (Bring Him Home, Stars, &c.), in my opinion. So if you want to grow an even deeper appreciation for Les Mis, that's where I would go next ;)

  4. totally didn't realize you posted this lol, i accept your apology lolololol. Also justice for Enjolras, my fav character :)


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