
Most Devoted Couple Award Ceremony

1:43 AM
 A low sweet sound floated in my ears as I tightened the laces on my flowing gown. A long day's journey to Ithilien had left me feeling pretty dusty and dirty and so my beloved rogue insisted that I freshen up before I start to speak. As I made the last few touch-ups on my damp hair, I couldn't help but laugh at the...

Voting is Open for the Most Devoted Couple!

Silmaril Awards 12:38 AM
 "Catherine, there's another knock at the door. Shall we let them in?" Reluctantly, I looked up from my Rogue's lap at the eager young couple before me. "No, I'd best go myself. It may be an official courier for the Silmaril Awards. One has been rumored to be hanging around for a couple of days or so. I'd best see what he wants."Promising my...

[Closed] Nominations for Most Devoted Couple Silmarill

Silmaril Awards 8:45 AM
 Westley and Buttercup breathed in the forest air as they walked along. "I'm excited to meet Catherine, I hear from Eowyn that she's a wonderful host." Buttercup smiled. "I hear too the reason she's excited to host is because she has a handsome rogue of her own now calling upon her." "Does she? Well, let us hope there won't be any Prince Humperdinck in their...

Lia, I owe you an apology.....

10:29 PM
Greetings and salutations! I know, it has been wayyyy too long since I've come on here to blog. The truth of the matter is, I have not had the motivation to write on my blog for quite some time. Who knew that newsletter writing saps writing motivation? Apparently, I didn't. Anyways, we are all here so that you can witness me eating the biggest piece...

Great, Now There Are Two of Them

Fair Winds 7:52 PM
Greetings, my dear friends! It has been entirely too long since I have been here on the blog. I'm afraid that my personal life has taken quite a rollercoaster recently. I have been doing much better with my email newsletter, so I encourage you all if you haven't subscribed to that yet, be sure to click the landing page in the sidebar!Especially since there...

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