Greetings from the cave!
How was your New Years! I dearly hope you sent out 2020 with a bang! I know I did!
With a new year, should come new goals. So what am I planning to accomplish in 2021?
1. Edit (and maybe publish) The White Rose
The next step to publishing my debut novel is implementing the edits that my editor gave to me. This I hope to accomplish before August, because the Fall 2021 semester promises to be a dumpster fire of torture (and I am not kidding you).
I know that I have had this goal for at least two years now, but books do not exactly follow the timelines that we authors set out for them. The progress is there, just....slow. I will say that now that the professional edit is out of the way, the bend has been turned toward publication.
2. Watch 10 movies from the List.
You all know that that list will be the death of me, but I am determined to tackle it. Even if it takes a hundred years.
3. Continue professionalizing things (email, blog, Insta, etc.)
With the fact that The White Rose will probably be published sometime this year, this means that there really needs to be a more professional face. Steps for it will include setting up a proper email list, getting a professional email, and possibly creating a more professional Instagram handle as Lia did.
4. Further develop Instagram page
This is a bit dependent on whether I choose to have a professional handle or not, but I would step up my Instagram page, regardless. I love aesthetics and would like to refine my artist's eye.
5. Engage more with bloggers.
I miss commenting and intereacting with everyone on the blogosphere! It is no secret that I have been a terrible blogging buddy recently - leaving tags to mold, and such rot. Therefore, I'd like to make a point of doing better.
6. Produce at least one episode of Soul Sisters.
Lia and I have not been able to get this series off the ground due to one reason or another, but I still would like to try to produce one more episode of Soul Sisters.
You may have noticed that I have NOT put on any goals relating to Camp NaNo, or NaNoWriMo. This is because NaNo will be impossible because of my grad school schedule. Camp NaNo is a bit grayer because ideally I should be working on TWR edits during both events. Depending on how fast I get these edits out or if I need a break, will be the parameters of whether I participate in Camp NaNo or not. It will be sad if I don't, however. I love NaNo and Camp NaNo so much :)
How about you all? What are some goals for 2021?
Scribbingly yours,
P.S. This is apparently my 200th post?? Wow. Certainly doesn't feel like it, doesn't it?