
Springtime Asks Tag

6:04 PM

Greetings from the cave! 

I was given this lovely Springtime Asks Tag several months back  LAST YEAR by a relatively new blogging acquaintance. Her name is Miss Winifred Banks (a lovely name if I do say so myself) who runs the blog Letters from Avonlea (again, such a lovely name!) Thank you, Miss W, for such a lovely spring tag! If you'd like, you can view her answers HERE

And now, let us begin! 

April - what’s your favorite time of the year?

My favorite time of year is late spring/early summer. Here in Pennsylvania, the summers are not only hot, they are also humid. Which is just gross. I love the heat, but man, the humidity can getcha! 

Apples - favorite fruit?

Okay, my "go-to" fruit is usually an apple. But my absolute favorite fruit is actually the mango, followed by cranberries (especially since they have a wonderful medicinal effect), peaches, and other berries. I'm a fruit lover, in case you can't tell. 

Bees - what’s your go-to spring outfit?

Last year, I wrote the following: 

If I was living in a perfect world, it would be a floral dress or floral skirt and blouse and black knee-high socks. I have come to a great appreciation of the latter - if I could, they would be my replacement for pantyhose, lol. 

But in reality, I wear a T-shirt, skirt, and whatever socks I come across. 

But a year later, I can say that the former is now a reality!! I work in an office now, which allows me to have all the floral skirts and blouses I want. And yes, the black knee-high socks have been my standard for working rather than pantyhose! It does jar a little with the light pastel colors (it's more of a dark academia thing, I think?). But maybe some beige socks will fix that problem. 

Can you tell that I hate pantyhose? LOL. 

Blossom - what’s your favorite flower?

My absolute favorite is a yellow daylily, often called the Stella d'Oro. But I'm also partial to roses, in case you can't tell from my decor, lol. 

Bubbles - Do you like bubble tea?

I've...never had it. I'd be interested to try it though! 

Changes - what signals the changing of the seasons to you?

I can smell the new season coming, usually about a month before the new season actually begins. Of course, I also look for physical signs such as leaves blooming/changing, etc. 

Collegiate - did you go to or are you going to university? what are you or did you study?

Not only have I gone to college (university to my European friends), but I also graduated from graduate school! I went to undergraduate between 2013-2017 and there I studied agriculture and history. I attended graduate school between 2020-2022, and I studied public history. 

My goal at the time was to become an agricultural historian. I still kinda hold that hope, but I currently work as an archivist at a military museum in order to make ends meet.  

Comfort - who is your go-to comfort character?

I would presume that this would be a character that I keep coming back to? 

It's difficult to answer that question because I'm very...cyclical when it comes to my entertainment choices. I do tend to circle back to Jane Austen, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and Louisa May Alcott a lot, but I feel that there really isn't *one* character that I settle on (it's always pairs like Anne and Diana or groups like the March sisters). 

But one character that I've been oddly going back to a lot is Agnes Grey, by Anne Bronte. I find her character so relatable (being eager to work and then being stuck in horrible job situations and then getting married at a semi-late age) in my stage in life. 

Cream - do you wear make-up?

Not unless I absolutely have to (for instance, professional engagements, pictures, etc). I have no aversion to make-up, in fact, I wish I could wear it more because I'd like to hide the dark circles and the remaining acne scars. However, I have not found makeup that I can wear without my face itching. 

Crush - any irl or online crushes?

...maybe. But I'm not telling. 

Daffodil - do you like to garden?

Very much so! In fact, my mom and I just redid our front flower gardens this past weekend, and we nearly always have a veggie garden. I also have herbs in containers. 

Daisy - do you have any pets? If not, do you want any?

I have several pets. The main pet is Skye, my rough collie pup. She's two and a half years old now, if you can believe it. My brother has a pet rabbit, and my mom has some little fish. 

Exciting - ideal type of unplanned adventure?

How about historical reenacting? Like, year-long historical reenacting like Victorian Farm or Tales from the Green Valley? 

Or is that too much to ask? 

Favorites - what’s your favorite show, movie, and book?

Oh, brother. Those change every week! But I'll list a few favorites for each category. 

Shows: All Creatures Great and Small (1970s), Pride and Prejudice (mini-series), The Waltons (early seasons). 

Movies: Fiddler on the Roof, Ever After, and The Court Jester. 

Books: Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, and Mossflower by Brian Jacques. 

Flowers - what’s the nicest thing someone has surprised you with?

I think the nicest surprise I got was actually when Lia got me my laptop for my birthday. I use it almost every single day and I love it. 

Fun Facts - what’s something people would never guess about you?

I'm a Titanic enthusiast! It was the birth of an interest in disaster investigations that I still hold to this day. I loved the mystery and the engineering of the ship, even though the loss of life would normally be very off-putting for me. 

Grass - do you get hayfever or spring allergies?

Unfortunately, yes. I'm allergic to both pollen and mold, so I tend to be miserable on both ends of the year (but fall is actually worse, if you can believe it). 

Hobby - what hobbies do you have or want to get into?

I'm borrowing from a previous list that I made several years ago for a previous blog post, but here we go....

Hobbies I have: 

1. Cooking
2. Baking
3. Gardening
4. Knitting
5. Crocheting
6. Carding and spinning wool
7. Embroidery (fancy work)
8. Sewing
9. Reading
10. Writing (blog, stories, etc.)
11. Playing musical instruments
12. Walking
13. Singing
14. Watching movies/tv/documentaries
15. Dancing
16. Guns (rare)

I've dabbled in other hobbies such as photography, horseback riding, painting, cake decorating, woodburning, drawing, video creation, and a few other crafts. There are not many hobbies that I would like to pick up that I haven't tried. If I had to choose one hobby to pick up again, it would be horseback riding. 

Holiday - favorite springtime holiday?

I would have to say Easter if we're limited to just spring holidays. I'm sure there are others, but I honestly can't think of any. 

Introspective - what’s one thing you would have done differently in your life?

I would have never gone to Connecticut for graduate school in 2017. I would have chosen Kansas instead, despite the fact that I would have had a difficult time finding a church and being so far away from my family.  

Jam - favorite thing to bake?

My favorite thing to bake is bread! I got into it when I was in high school. There was a time when I was making fresh bread every Wednesday between classes. I got out of that habit in college and never really picked it up again (mostly because I was struggling to fit it around my work schedule). 

That being said, I do also like to make cookie bars and pies. I recently made a batch of chocolate chip cheesecake bars that turned out fantastic. 

Lemons - what’s your favorite type of dessert?

Pies. All the pies. I don't think there is a pie I don't like (except maybe pecan? I find that too sweet and crunchy for my tastes). I have been known to eat two-thirds of a pie over a course of a day before. It's bad. 

Light - night owl or early bird?

Last year I wrote: 

Night owl, only because my work schedule is at night. I wish I could be an early bird again, though. 

This year, my schedule is flip-flopped so that I'm working mostly in the morning, so my sleep schedule has been adjusted accordingly. Now I'm not sure which I do better at, I guess it depends on the activity. 

Love - what’s your love language?

It used to be physical touch, but I've been leaning more toward words of affirmation. Mostly because I had my self-confidence destroyed in my late teens/early twenties and it's been a difficult journey to get it back. 

Matcha - what’s your go-to coffee/tea order this time of year?

Standard order would be raspberry tea, with sugar and lemon. I sometimes go with another fruit tea or a lemon-flavored herbal tea. 

Meadow - do you prefer the beach or the woods?

Hmm. I like both, actually. Both have their perks. Though I think I would prefer the woods in summer and the beach in the spring/fallish weather, only because that's typically when my family goes to said places. 

Money - what would you do with your life if money was no object?

Be a historical reenactor with a farm. One of the reasons I got out of that field was because it couldn't support me financially. So to have the opportunity to go back with support would be wonderful. 

Music - what’s been on repeat lately?

Again, it's cyclical. Right now, I've been gravitating towards "higher" music such as classical, instrumental, and opera. In a few months, I'll probably cycle back to the pop/rock mix that I usually listen to. 

New - what would you do if you won the lottery?

After I pay off the ginormous taxes that would be due, and then after I settle my debts, I'd set a little bit aside for myself and give the majority of it to support the Church (either my local parish or a monastery/convent). They can use it much better than I can, I'd just waste it on antiques and craft supplies. 

Ocean - what’s your favorite sea creature?

Dolphin! We used to see them off the shore of the beach when we went on vacation. Haven't seen them for a few years though. 

On/Off - what are your biggest turn ons and offs?

Ons - clean humor, historical things, mystery (but not murder), beauty. 

Offs - constant swearing/blaspheming, impure conversation, gore, boring things.  

Partner - describe your ideal partner.

Rgh, this is hard to put into words. I'd love a guy that has a spice of adventure but is easygoing. Rugged, but with a touch of class. A man that can share some of my hobbies - such as history, agriculture, and crafting - but has his own interests. But above all, he must be Catholic. 

Past - what advice or wisdom would you bestow on your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to stop hiding in her shell and let people in. But I doubt she would listen to me, she was a rather stubborn lil girl. 

Persona - what’s your mbti? your enneagram type?

My MBTI is INFJ, though I also identify with traits from the INTJ and INFP. I do not participate in Enneagram, because it's based in occult practices.  

Actually, I tend to identify myself with the traditional four temperament model. For those who are curious, I'm melancholy-choleric. 

Picnic - describe your ideal spring afternoon.

A sunny afternoon with a warm breeze. I'd be outside with my needlework or my book, just soaking it all in. 

Pride - what is something you’re proud of?

The fact that I attempted - and succeeded - at attaining a Master's degree about five years after I attempted it the first time after such a horrible experience. I feel that failure has finally been expunged from my life. 

Quaint - do you prefer the city, countryside, or suburbs?

I've always been a country girl at heart, having grown up in rural America for most of my life. I don't particularly like cities, and suburbs can feel a little closed in too. I like nature to be close. 

Rain - what’s your favorite type of spring weather?

The exact opposite of this question title - sunny and warm! Rain makes it too gloomy and cold, usually. 

Recommendations - do you have any fanfic recommendations?

No, I don't follow fanfiction anymore. All of the authors of fanfic I used to follow don't write anymore anyway. 

Although, if you like POTO fanfiction, I can redirect you to my Wattpad story "Shattered Chandelier", lol. 

Sage - what life advice would you give to someone younger?

I'm not sure I'm the best person to be giving advice, but I can say the following: 

- stay close to the Church

- get a good group of friends

- get as much job experience as you can. 

Stars - are you into astrology? If so, what are your sun, moon, and rising signs?

No, I'm not. I know what my "sign" supposedly is, but I don't believe any of that cockamany. 

Striking - what’s your favorite color?

Blue, a light bright blue usually. Purple and pink are close behind, though. 

Status - what’s your relationship status?

Single and looking. Send any 30year old solid Catholic guys my way, lol. 

Thrill - what is one thing you’re looking forward to?

My first apartment! Now that I have full-time work, I'd love to eventually move out on my own. It will be a bit because I need to get a financial footing first. 

Touch - do you like hugs?

Yes, I love hugs! 

Travel - if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Isle of Skye, Scotland. My mother's main Scottish clan hails from there and it's super pretty. I'd go to Italy next, lol.  

Universe - do you think there’s other life out there or are we alone in the universe?

I very much doubt that there is alien life out. There is always the possibility, I suppose, but the more we discover, the more it seems clear that Earth is the only life-supporting planet out there. 

Vernacular - what language do you wish you could speak or want to learn?

French would be the first language on my list. I've been working on getting fluent in French for several years now. The next few would be Italian, Polish, and Gaelic. 

Warning - what would your warning label say?

Warning: Loud mind, sharp tongue. Can be frigid and intimidating to the male species. 

You - what’s one thing you like about yourself? One thing you dislike about yourself?

One thing I like about myself? I guess it would be my persistent drive. It's gotten me through a lot of tough situations. 

One thing I don't like about myself? The fact that I don't have the best mental health record of the world (dealt with serious anxiety/depression issues in the past). If I ever got the grace of complete mental healing, I would be ecstatic. 

Youth - do you feel your age?

I do now, unfortunately. Chronic pain due to possible endometriosis has not made it easy, but I try to bear it as best I can. 

Zoo - what’s your favorite animal?

I have several favorites, but the horse is one of the top favorites for sure! 

Whew! There's the end. I am not going to tag anyone for this tag, but if you would like, a clean copy of the questions can be found below. 

Okay, I've talked enough! What is your favorite thing about spring? 



Clean Copy of Questions

April - what’s your favorite time of the year?

Apples - favorite fruit?

Bees - what’s your go to spring outfit?

Blossom - what’s your favorite flower?

Bubbles - Do you like bubble tea?

Changes - what signals the changing of the seasons to you?

Collegiate - did you go to or are you going to university? what are you or did you study?

Comfort - who is your go to comfort character?

Cream - do you wear make-up?

Crush - any irl or online crushes?

Daffodil - do you like to garden?

Daisy - do you have any pets? If not, do you want any?

Exciting - ideal type of unplanned adventure?

Favorites - what’s your favorite show, movie, and book?

Flowers - what’s the nicest thing someone has surprised you with?

Fun Facts - what’s something people would never guess about you?

Grass - do you get hayfever or spring allergies?

Hobby - what hobbies do you have or want to get into?

Holiday - favorite springtime holiday?

Introspective - what’s one thing you would have done differently in your life?

Jam - favorite thing to bake?

Lemons - what’s your favorite type of dessert?

Light - night owl or early bird?

Love - what’s your love language?

Matcha - what’s your go to coffee/tea order this time of year?

Meadow - do you prefer the beach or the woods?

Money - what would you do with your life if money was no object?

Music - what’s been on repeat lately?

New - what would you do if you won the lottery?

Ocean - what’s your favorite sea creature?

On/Off - what are your biggest turn ons and offs?

Partner - describe your ideal partner.

Past - what advice or wisdom would you bestow on your younger self?

Persona - what’s your mbti? your enneagram type?

Picnic - describe your ideal spring afternoon.

Pride - what is something you’re proud of?

Quaint - do you prefer the city, countryside, or suburbs?

Rain - what’s your favorite type of spring weather?

Recommendations - do you have any fanfic recommendations?

Sage - what life advice would you give to someone younger?

Stars - are you into astrology? If so, what are your sun, moon, and rising signs?

Striking - what’s your favorite color?

Status - what’s your relationship status?

Thrill - what is one thing you’re looking forward to?

Touch - do you like hugs?

Travel - if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Universe - do you think there’s other life out there or are we alone in the universe?

Vernacular - what language do you wish you could speak or want to learn?

Warning - what would your warning label say?

You - what’s one thing you like about yourself? One thing you dislike about yourself?

Youth - do you feel your age?

Zoo - what’s your favorite animal?

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  1. Mangos and cranberries are delicious! My roommate offered me free access to her several-pound bag of dried mango the other day, and I think perhaps regretted it. XD

    Oh yes, smelling new seasons is totally a thing! My Newman Center started to smell like summer-Newman a couple of weeks ago, and it really threw me off, lol.

    It's interesting that your love language is sort of changing! I wonder how often that happens as people grow and change--and I also wonder if that's why I have such a hard time pinpointing mine, lol.

    I'm also a melancholic-choleric! (Although I might be a choleric-melancholic. It's unclear.) I thought I was a straight melancholic for the longest time, and then I finally read a whole book on the four temperaments/tendencies, and was like 'dang, I have SO much choleric in me. This explains a lot.' XD

    1. Oh my, that was...rather brave of your roommate. Because if I was in your shoes, that bag would not last very long.

      hehe, glad I'm not the only one who does this!

      Yeah...I think part of it too is how I'm changing spiritually. I dealt with a lot of impurity issues when I was younger and since I've gotten that under control, physical touch has not appealed to me as much (it actually makes me uncomfortable in some situations because, ya know, temptation is a thing). But I have noticed that while compliments used to embarrass me in the past, I like them now and I've started to emotionally rely on them (yikes. I think I need a humility check).

      Haha, yeah. As I've gotten older, I've been working to balance out the choleric with the phlegmatic and it's been...an interesting journey. To say the least. Learning to let go is harrddddd.

      Thank you so much for commenting, Sam! I've been meaning to comment on your latest post for a while - the comment about the Pascal pumpkin has piqued my interest, lol.

  2. Hi! *waves awkwardly* Mind if I come in and randomly interject some stuff?

    ~Yess, someone who's seen Victorian Farm! I loved watching that.

    ~Man, your family must have loved having fresh homemade bread every week! (By the way, do you have any tips on how to keep homemade bread fresh for several days? I experimented with making gluten-free bread recently, and it tasted fine, but the texture got very strange when I put it in the fridge...is that a problem with non-gluten-free bread too? And, erm, how do you deal with it? :P)

    ~ Can I just say that I love that even your making-ends-meet job is super cool? (Or sounds like it, anyway; it may be that in reality it's less glamorous than it sounds.)

    I just came across your blog, by the way - it's nice to meet you! :)

    ~ Lizzie Hexam

    1. Sure!! So glad to have you!

      Yesss! I've seen the majority of the series done by Ruth, Peter and their colleagues. Americans have never been able to reproduce that style and I so badly want to do it.

      Hmm, it's been a bit but I think I can help out. One tip would be to make sure the bread cools completely and let it dry out a little on the rack. I use plastic bags to store my bread, and having any moisture in there is going to be a great environment for mold (gross). I noticed also that the simpler breads - like the ones that have four ingredients - tended to store a little better. I never stored my homemade bread in the fridge, so I'm not the best help for that. I have noticed that even store breads taste weird when they're stored in the fridge, so maybe there is something to that, idk.

      haha, thanks! It's a super fun job most days. I'm working in a WWII collection right now, and there has been some fun stuff coming through recently.

      So nice to meet you as well! I shall definitely check out your blog (which I have found linked to your name in the comment box, lol). If you like more feminine or Catholic related post, definitely check out my other blog Femininity from Scratch (it's linked under "blog" in the header).

    2. I've also seen a lot of Edwardian Farm and started Tudor Monastic Farm (though I was disappointed Alex wasn't in that one, lol), but I haven't seen any others. Which ones were the best, do you think?
      Yes, that would be amazing! I'm sure you'd do a great job at it :D

      Thanks so much for the advice! Yeah, storing it in the fridge may just not be the best - I guess we'll see.

      That is super cool :)

      Aw, thank you! I had seen your other blog, but I'll definitely be poking around more on there :)

      ~ Lizzie Hexam

    3. Tudor Monastery Farm was one of my favorites, actually (even though Alex was not part of it, sad). Secrets of the Castle was also pretty good.
      Thanks :). I don't know what time period I'd do just yet, either Colonial or Civil War.

      Probably not? There are ways of bringing back stale bread as well, the most common being to heat it (would recommend using steam to help with that though). I'm sure our maternal ancestors knew a trick or two, lol.

  3. By the way, I tagged you for the Sunshine Blogger Award: https://starlightandsaucepans.org/sunshine-blogger-award/
    No pressure, of course; only if/when you feel like it :)

    ~ Lizzie Hexam


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